How to Benefit from Customer Complaints

A recent article about a social media-savvy Domino’s Pizza franchise in Chicago proves that even a bad customer experience can lead to positive opportunities.  In this case, it revolutionized the way this particular pizza shop interfaces with its customers and manages their expectations. It also…

Since When Does PR Need a Facelift?

In a recent post for Social Media Today (SMT), Tactical Transparency author Shel Holtz makes the case that traditional PR can still be just as effective of a marketing resource as the hot new grassroots options like “trusted peers” and word-of-mouth.  The catch?  In Shel’s…

Part 2, How to Blog

I say this blog entry is Part 2 because this is really a continuation from my previous blog on how not to use the internet to find a job.  Here is the story:  Heather finally found the previous blog entry and the  following then occurred:  there…