Erase the Guilt Barrier Between You and Your Customers
Advertising Age recently posted a solid analysis on How to Get the Social Media Generation Behind Your Cause. Even if you’re not a non-profit, there’s still at least one core value in Ad Age’s article that applies to your business: Make sure your program has…
Business Relationships: Momentary Relevance or Long-Term Meaning?
In theory, every person you interact with is a potential customer. It’s just that some customers are more obvious — or more immediate — than others. If you sell house paint, then homeowners are more likely to be interested in your products than gardeners would…
Creative Concepts’ Tips on Creating Quick, Killer Blog Posts for Your Company
We were flattered to see our client, Bigelow Tea, mentioned in Stephanie Schwab’s recent post on how to schedule blog content. She cites the Bigelow Tea blog‘s occasional use of celebrity-driven tea stories, correctly surmising that celebrities + tea + health benefits = quick and…
5 Ways to Reward Your Customers as Brand Evangelists
One goal most companies have while growing their social media presence is to empower “brand evangelists,” who freely sing the praises of the company’s products & services. Thinking outside the box (as usual), Mack Collier asks a valid question: if your brand wants an evangelist,…
How to Improvise Your Company’s Videos
On the web, video works wonders. It’s fast-paced, personable, entertaining and informative. And since production time is always a factor, it helps to have a solid plan in place to make sure you stay on track and under budget. But if there’s one thing we’ve…
What’s Your SECOND Most Important Social Media Goal?
Business means sales. Without sales, you have no business. We get that. As its root, social media is just another spoke on the sales wheel, driving revenue alongside everything else your business does. It’s not sexy, but it’s true. In business, everything is supplemental to…
Is Your Brand a Good Friend?
It may be time to re-evaluate your brand’s attitude. See, now that businesses and consumers can use social media to interact publicly, it’s changed the way people judge the brands they’ve spoken with. Customers notice how often they’re being listened to, and what kind of…
How to Find the Right (and Wrong) Employees to Represent Your Brand
One of the hardest lessons for businesses to learn about social media is this: Social media is a multi-way conversation. This differs from more traditional messaging. Ads are a one-way street. PR is top-down spin. And customer service is a function, not an opportunity. But…
Stop Selling Spin: Why Facebook Won’t Save You in a PR Crisis
This week, the mainstream media has been blanketed by news coverage of BP’s oil spill off the US gulf coast. With ecological, economic and political repercussions being hotly debated, Erik Sass at MediaPost capitalized on the zeitgeist by turning it into a social media case…
A Few Bits of Wisdom for a Local Small Business
I was very thankful to receive a feature article in the CT Post/News Times by Rob Varnon. He did a great job understanding what we do at Creative Concepts. After having that article published last Sunday in the business section, we received numerous inquiries both from potential clients,…