The Sky Is Falling! Trust Is Dead!!
Do you hear that panicked murmur rumbling up from the masses? It’s worse than fear — it’s failure! It’s catastrophe! It’s the absolute Armageddon of social media business strategy! According to Edelman’s annual Trust Barometer survey, no one trusts anyone! (Which is ironic, considering Chris…
Cindi Bigelow’s Advice to Young Professionals
When you’re just starting out in business, you can get bombarded with advice on how to do (or not do) just about everything. So here’s a tip: focus on the advice from people who were once in the exact same spot you’re in, and who…
Even Pros Can Make Rookie Mistakes
When we saw one of our clients, Bigelow Tea, mentioned in The Twitter Book (by Tim O’Reilly and Sarah Milstein) as a positive example of how businesses should use Twitter, we were ecstatic. And then we realized we’d stopped taking our own advice. In the…