7 Tips for Shooting Branded Videos on Location
Here at Creative Concepts, we’re often asked to help our clients create interesting videos on location — maybe at work, in a restaurant, during a photo shoot or on the street. And while these on-location videos can be tightly controlled or spontaneously energetic, the locations…
The Importance of Reaching Beyond Your Core Audience
The web is crowded and filled with distractions. A successful business finds ways to break through the clutter and deliver compelling messages to the people most likely to act upon them. But how well can you articulate who your target audience is? The New York…
How Could Your Brand Use Flickr?
Most companies consider Facebook, Twitter and blogs to be the cornerstones of their social media strategy. If they invest in a fourth channel, it’s usually YouTube, because video is often a high-impact media asset. But what about photos? That’s where Flickr comes in. While most…
How to Remind Your Customers That Your Company Is Human
Social media is about people. Companies are about profit. Finding ways to bridge that gap can sometimes seem tricky. But there’s one commonality that’s always worth discussing: charity. Most companies have at least one charitable cause that they feel passionate about, usually for personal reasons….
Is Your Brand Worth Paying Attention To?
As we’ve helped our clients build and manage their social media profiles on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube and more, we’ve learned a very valuable lesson: You can’t force people to care about you. Plenty of services will sell you Facebook friends and Twitter followers, which…
Sometimes Your Customers Are Your Best Fact-Checkers
A few years ago, we helped our client, Bigelow Tea, produce a video showing viewers how to naturally decaffeinate an ordinary teabag. (Why would someone do this? Because sometimes a cafe doesn’t have your favorite flavor in a decaf version, so wouldn’t it be great…
Creative Concepts’ Tips on Creating Quick, Killer Blog Posts for Your Company
We were flattered to see our client, Bigelow Tea, mentioned in Stephanie Schwab’s recent post on how to schedule blog content. She cites the Bigelow Tea blog‘s occasional use of celebrity-driven tea stories, correctly surmising that celebrities + tea + health benefits = quick and…
How to Improvise Your Company’s Videos
On the web, video works wonders. It’s fast-paced, personable, entertaining and informative. And since production time is always a factor, it helps to have a solid plan in place to make sure you stay on track and under budget. But if there’s one thing we’ve…
Speaking Out: Sharing Our Bigelow Tea Case Studies with The Conference Board
We’re often asked to showcase our client, Bigelow Tea, as a social media case study. Last Friday, I told the tale of Bigelow Tea’s blogging beginnings (and their present day story) at the Corporate Communication and Web 2.0 conference for The Conference Board. Some stories that caught the…
How to Benefit from Customer Complaints
A recent article about a social media-savvy Domino’s Pizza franchise in Chicago proves that even a bad customer experience can lead to positive opportunities. In this case, it revolutionized the way this particular pizza shop interfaces with its customers and manages their expectations. It also…