Well hello.  I am back after an eventful trip to Boston and I am back with an official announcement:  The Business Smart Tools Conference is going full blast and we are now accepting reservations.  For more information go to the website: www.BusinessSmartTools.com

Now to give you a sneak peak, we have some amazing speakers who will not only talk about the basics of the new social media (blogging, podcasting……) but will give a birds eye view of what the future holds for the emerging technology.

David Pogue, NY Times tech writer and CBS news correspondent

Mike Dunn, VP Hearst Interactive, Hearst publications

David Parmet, Marketing Begins at Home

John Piccone, VP 24/7 media

Greg Verdino, SVP ROO

Ron Stevenson, VP Strategic Marketing, Global Media & Communications, GE

Reena Jana, Journalist BusinessWeek

How about that for a line up.  I will go into more detail in future entries but this should be enough to wet your appetite.

And don’t forget about the live demonstrations going on.  We have TVEyes, Ingenio, Remembrix, Clearlight Pictures, Dial-A-Note powered by CiviCom, ROO and more to come.

You can’t miss this…it is going to be great…Oh, and don’t forget about the networking…there will be a cocktail party to follow!!
