CBS News Sunday Morning and Andrew Cohen claim PR people are liars!
Check out this article, Andrew Cohen on CBS News Sunday Morning reports on the White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan debacle and ultimately claims in the article that all PR people are liars. Mr. Cohen says, “show me a PR person who is “accurate” and “truthful” and I will show you a PR person who is unemployed.
I suppose we could say the same about reporters but I wouldn’t go there because to make a generalization is a sibling to lying and not telling the whole story based on facts.
I don’t believe this anyway. Social media (blogs, videos, social networks, twitter….) has transformed how we do business and keeps most of the untruths hidden for only a short time. The consumer now has access to facts and history like never before and with our global community available as fact checkers, “liars” have a short life.
Just for the record, Creative Concepts is far from unemployed. Ethical behavior, as mentioned in our mission statement, is our first value and our clients love it!