Blogging Experiment

So, over August life was too crazy to blog on a regular basis. Between proposals (yes, new media proposals) and vacation with the family, I couldn’t find the time to blog worthwhile entries….so I let it go. An unexpected experiment took place. I figured that…

Vivapop Networks

In getting the word out about Vivapop, I have had lots of fun getting to read some new blogs focused on families and moms specifically.  You ask why is Vivapop blogging with this crowd?  Well, Vivapop was developed by Elizabeth Tarbell, a mother of 2, because when…

Vivapop YAC

“Yet another calendar” is what I am seeing from many in the blogosphere who aren’t taking the time to look at Vivapop closely…not having to search the web for info about your favorite organizations is a time saver because it is all within Vivapop for the beta city…

Vivapop Pops

I am so happy to say that my client, Vivapop, is popping after a lot time, energy, passion, and enthusiasm!!  Vivapop is a web based community calendar that can make anyone’s life easier by sharing calendars, sync to Outlook, phone access and a choice of…

Bigelow is Brewing!

Hello all…haven’t blogged in quite some time because some new and wonderful clients are keeping all of us at Creative Concepts busy.  One new vivacious client I will reveal next week after it debuts on the web on various sites but before then let me not hold back by announcing…

Internet Marketing

Got a mailer yesterday which I found interesting because it falls into the same category as my last entry which is, in my words, the power of the internet is unleashing the dregs of the earth and the con artists.  This flyer said “Valorie gets a free…

Buzz in PR

Ran into a PR firm who tried to play the social media game…they used buzz words in their client plan like “blog” and “viral marketing” without fully understanding the meaning or approach (look up the words at least so you know the definition)…ran into a company…