Hello all…haven’t blogged in quite some time because some new and wonderful clients are keeping all of us at Creative Concepts busy.  One new vivacious client I will reveal next week after it debuts on the web on various sites but before then let me not hold back by announcing that R C Bigelow Inc has decided to surf and ride the new media wave.  Bravo to them. 

They have hired Creative Concepts to help them navigate through the emerging media stream of potential and while we are introducing new options, we are also very mindful of protecting their hard earned solid reputation.  I say this not because the options out there don’t offer tons of opportunity but more because some bottom feeders are skimming the surface to find their prey (Bigelow Tea was approached by a game company who wanted to make a very shady deal (and yet they presented themselves so nicely)). 

How is a company to know about such things unless they have a consultantcy on board like Creative Concepts?  Well they may not have the resources to know so good for Bigelow for expanding their outreach and protecting their assets at the same time!

Look for more from Bigelow in the not so distant future…until then, welcome aboard!