Business Smarts and More

Well, we have just completed our 2nd annual Business Smart Tools conference which took place May 15th in Stamford.  Based on my own personal opinion and the opinion of countless attendees, speakers and demo companies, it was a huge success on many levels.  I believe…

Blogging through a Crisis

Went to Podcamp NYC and had a great time.  Talked about all the reasons why a company should blog:  search engine optimization, reach out to new and old clients and create a community, auto PR when bloggers like your product/service and finally blogging as a…

Podcamp NYC

Well, Sabine and I are getting excited about attending and speaking at Podcamp NYC.  They are now up to 1100 people attending which is amazing…quite a gathering in NYC for the Saturday before a major holiday (Easter)!!  Michelle, our sales maven, is heading to the networking party…