Hello everyone and welcome to 2007. I have started out the year with a bang by dropping a new blog design for your pleasure…it matches more closely with the Creative Concepts website and was designed by my web guys at Fat Free Studio. Enjoy!

So with a new Year comes the all mighty and very tiring predictions. Every email and every article I have read today talks about Google, AOL, MySpace, Social Media, Online Networking…the predictions list goes on and on! Where are we going, how are we getting there, who is doing what …you know how it goes.

One article by Bart Cleveland was a bit unique. He talks about how the small agencies need to embrace social media. He says, and he is right, that the small agencies often have the flexibility to be the innovators but they may not be keeping up with the social media revolution because it is moving so quickly and they can’t keep up because of lack of staff, lack of time, lack of faith in successful outcomes….this could be true for many but not for Creative Concepts.

We work hard at staying ahead of the curve at Creative Concepts but it doesn’t come quickly or easily. We research and study the trends and the marketplace, we listen to our clients who are thankfully asking us to help them with the online world which includes SEO, blogs, podcasts, video, optimized press releases, websites and more, and we make a decision about what works and what doesn’t which often comes through hard work, courage and a lot of business know-how.

As a small agency we are proud to be offering something to our clients that they can’t seem to find elsewhere! It is our goal and ambition to use these social media tools to enhance what already exists in the PR and Marketing worlds. The ability to guide our clients through the new and ever changing internet terrain is not only our mission but our pleasure as we continue to be ahead of the pack by merging the old tricks with the new plays.

I won’t even attempt to make a prediction for 2007 other than we are looking forward to an exciting year with clients who are willing to take the internet ride! Yahoo!!