In getting the word out about Vivapop, I have had lots of fun getting to read some new blogs focused on families and moms specifically.  You ask why is Vivapop blogging with this crowd?  Well, Vivapop was developed by Elizabeth Tarbell, a mother of 2, because when she was running around like crazy trying to keep up with her kids’ busy day, no one in the community seemed to coordinate schedules into one place.  It is hard enough to have a busy calendar but to try and make plans and get to places on time is even harder so that is why Vivapop, a web based community calendar with IVR (phone access), is so great for Mom’s especially…everyone needs to call their calendars from the grocery store so they can have an updated schedule telling them how late they are in picking up little Jimmy from his playdate!

Take a look at these fun blogs:

I know there are more fun family blogs out there…I just have to find them.

Have fun!