Twitter tipsA Twitter guide recently released by Econsultancy shows businesses how to create compelling marketing tweets.

The guide is chock full of tips from basic user how to’s to advanced marketing tactics.

Why Twitter? It’s ranked as a top 3 social networking site for businesses. Consumers feel more connected to businesses through social media. It is all about engaging with your audiences. Consumers research for products and services online and expect to see businesses interacting with customers online.

Here’s a roundup of the guide and the top tips:

  • Learn how to use Twitter. It sounds simple, but many people do not know how to fully use Twitter. Mashable has a great starting guide for Twitter basics to get started.
  • Tease your followers.
  • Be careful how you edit your 140 characters. Without proper punctuation, the tweet might be misconstrued.
  • Have a voice. Create a strategy and messaging to reflect it.
  • Nostalgia rules. Tweet about your history and interesting facts.
  • Use video. Showcase your company characteristics using Vine or YouTube.
  • Watch for media mentions and tweet about it.
  • Share the human side of your company. Do you give back to the community? What programs are you involved in?
  • Tweet your blog content in an informative way.
  • Curate. Share information about your industry and interests for your followers.
  • Minimize tweets from conferences and events. Not everyone is attending so be aware.
  • Don’t forget your profile page! Make sure it is filled out with keywords and neat imaging.

For more details and great tips, check out “The Complete Guide to Creating Compelling Marketing Tweets.”

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